Strafin Corporate
Risk and Compliance
Our team of talented professionals has extensive experience in risk and compliance services. We ensure that all funds, subsidiaries and special purpose vehicles have sound and current corporate governance practices. The regulatory, compliance and risk management expertise of our staff enables us to meet the ongoing challenges of better corporate governance and to implement best practice.
We can assist in the following :
If required, we can act as your company’s Compliance Officer (CO) and Money Laundering Report-ing Officer (MLRO). A risk-based strategy is the best way for our team of qualified professionals to deploy and maintain anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing (CFT) processes and controls.
In order to maintain the integrity of the AML/CFT programme put in place and to keep track of high risk areas, politically exposed persons (PEPs) and potential requests for information from qualified authorities related to investigations, we conduct regular audits of the programme to ensure its integrity.
Our group of FATCA and CRS experts will assess your requirements, ensure that you are in compliance and, if necessary, that appropriate corrective action is taken in terms of registration and filing. In addition, we will ensure that you comply with the applicable economic substance requirements as is prescribed by the law.

Strafin Corporate
Risk and Compliance
Our team of talented professionals has extensive experience in risk and compliance services. We ensure that all funds, subsidiaries and special purpose vehicles have sound and current corporate governance practices. The regulatory, compliance and risk management expertise of our staff enables us to meet the ongoing challenges of better corporate governance and to implement best practice.
We can assist in the following : If required, we can act as your company's Compliance Officer (CO) and Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO). A risk-based strategy is the best way for our team of qualified professionals to deploy and maintain anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing (CFT) processes and controls. In order to maintain the integrity of the AML/CFT programme put in place and to keep track of high risk areas, politically exposed persons (PEPs) and potential requests for information from qualified authorities related to investigations, we conduct regular audits of the programme to ensure its integrity.
Our group of FATCA and CRS experts will assess your requirements, ensure that you are in com-pliance and, if necessary, that appropriate corrective action is taken in terms of registration and fil-ing. In addition, we will ensure that you comply with the applicable economic substance require-ments as is prescribed by the law.